Ok, let me give you the details about Jackson:
Title: Jackson ORIGINAL
Materials: 9 x 12 Watercolor on 140 lb cold press watercolor paper
Collections: DinoMonsters
Dinomonsters is a collection that was developed for my DinoMonsters Mila and Jackson who are both currently into dinosaurs.
Inspiration: Jackson is a sweetie pie that does not know he is a dinosaur. Jackson thinks he is a lapdog and unpurposefully breaks, squashes and smashes things trying to cuddle folks. He is mostly always smiling and happy but when he is sick or tired, watch out because he will slap you and your stuff!
Jackson is so strong that you and your stuff will get hurt and/or broken. We lovingly refer to Jackson as ‘Bam Bam’ Jackson is currently into moving the furniture around the house and trying to toss the couch down the stairs.
The promotional material to the right of Jackson is inaccurate as all originals in this series are currently SOLD OUT.
Thanks for checking out my artwork.
Most artwork is available as artist signed prints with free shipping in the USA at the following prices:
8 x 10 digital download, you print, $10
8 x 10 $15
9 x 12 $25
11 x 14 $50
Prints can be customized with texts such as Childs name on DinoMonster print or favorite copyright free quotes for additional $5.00
Larger print sizes are outsourced, email me for quote at Brendajknoll@gmail.com