Title: The Funshine Family House ORIGINAL
Materials: 8 x 8 inch acrylic painting on 140 lb coldpress watercolor paper
Collections: Houses
Inspiration for this artwork: I like to paint over paintings with easily recognizable silhouettes on top of them and what is sweeter then home? What I find so exciting about this technique is I never know what will evolve because of the texture and colors used in the previous artwork and how it decides to come through in unique and unexpected ways.
Its an intuitive style that fits my design esthetic. This house! This house is my house today omgggggg today was sunny and super chaotic in a joyful and colorful way. Started off with my sweetheart Jackson then a 2 mile walk with my oldest daughter princess sunshine aka Summer. Then flower for my baby princess LaLa and the queen Mila. Omg then then then my ADHD Afton and a picnic with Mila/Jackson/Afton trampoline swings painting, this house and I am exhausted.
Only to find out that Mila got a hold of a sharpie and painted my furniture so I am exhausted scrubbing sharpie off the ottoman. Good thing I love Milasaurus more than that ottoman because really?
Yep this house is me and this day super great stuff happening all over the place here. HOME
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