ok real quick. Status update and where I have been: It is spring break here in Idaho so I took the week off to bond with one of my littles… We called it crafty afty week and we did multiple crafts. Also, I got sick (again!) I guess this is the new thing since covid = I get sick, have to go to the Dr (which I HATE) ugh, the down time. get prescription, etc etc etc.
It sucks! Pre covid me = never sick don’t go to the Dr’s because never sick. Me after covid = WTH? Everytime a sniffle comes around takes me down. I am not liking it at all.
Afton and I…
That is what I have been up to and oh yeah! We got the boat running, YES, Living the dream.

We made bunny butt pots

we made fluffy bunny pens tops

we made a butterfly tree. Her mom saw the photos on social media and sent me a message that said “Im jealous” I’m like I KNOW!!!
then I thought about it and I thought, is she jealous of me or Afty? Crafty Afty week folks…
PS. Jesus LOVES me. I have 5 boats now, YESSSSS