New bottlescape in two iterations, warm and cool. Released to redbubble for merchandise and will be available here on my website later today for prints. I hope you like it as much as I do!

May 26 ORIGINAL Painted Sunflower Abstract Floral Sunflower Art Yellow Floral Painting and Video

May 26 ORIGINAL Painted Sunflower Abstract Floral Sunflower Art Yellow Floral Painting and Video
May 25 ORIGINAL May Flowers Abstract Floral Poppies and Daisies Painting and Video Demonstration

May 25 ORIGINAL May Flowers Abstract Floral Poppies and Daisies Painting
May 24 limited color palette

Hi there, this is May 24, the 24 th painting in my May Flowers Collection. I am exploring using a limited color palette rather then intuitive color designs and so far I have felt stifled. I will try at least one more before dumping this idea! Do you like it? I will probably do a tiktok tutorial on how I am picking the color palettes. Read more
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May 23 + video

May 23. the 23rd painting in my May Flowers Collection + speed painting Read more
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Opening up pre-sale orders for limited edition prints of my latest collections, so excited!

Hey there! So I met with the printer and I am opening up some limited edition and open-ended prints for my latest collections including May Flowers and Portraits. I am super excited, I have seen the prints and the Read more
YouTube Demonstration Videos, check them out!

Hi there,
I have been busy but wanted to post these videos, thanks for checking out my art! Hey, I know, subscribe to my youtube and or TikTok channel, literally costs you nothing but means a lot on the internet! THANK YOU