Hoppy Easter 5 New Paintings for Sale

hoppy easter

 Easter 2022 Collection Bunny Kisses Peeps.

Unique happy art for unique happy peeps…. 

My vision for my 2022 Easter Collection which is called Bunny Kisses Peeps includes subcategories

I Carrot Even for the carrots.

Hoppy Easter for the Bunnies, Little Chicks for the little chicks and something egg related for the decorative eggs.

These are the latest 5 hoppies, peeps… All are 9 x 12 inch acrylic on watercolor paper. 

Thanks for checking out my artwork.


Lavendar Flowers

Lavendar Flowers


Pink + Green Hoppy

Pink + Green Hoppy

Sunshine Hoppy

Coral Hoppy

Blue Hoppy

Hoppy Easter, the Hoppies

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